
Welcome to the Leeds Coeliac Local Group. We are a voluntary support group for those in Leeds and surrounding areas who have been diagnosed with coeliac disease. We have over 1,000 members and the group is run by a committee of volunteers who have coeliac disease themselves or have diagnosed family members.

The purpose of our group is to provide support for anyone seeking or who has been given a diagnosis of coeliac disease. In line with recent changes to Coeliac UK policy those with gluten intolerance are also welcome to join and benefit from our services.

We host food events such as the annual Food Fair in March, cookery demonstrations, coffee mornings/afternoons and provide support for those who are newly diagnosed. There are social events such as group meals out, including a special Christmas meal.

We provide information from manufacturers of gluten free products and information of where to eat out safely, specific children's events, regular newsletters and much more.

To contact us please email leeds@coeliac.org.uk.

Local venues

This is a map of GF (gluten-free) accredited venues and standard listings which have been recommended by our Members or the venue directly. The GfG (Gluten-free Guarantee) approved pin is used to show supermarkets that have signed up to the GfG.

Lat = 53.861855, Long = -1.692611 Please enable javascript to see the dynamic map of results.