Doves Farm Buckwheat Flour Recalled

27 January 2012

Doves Farm Foods Limited withdraws one batch of Buckwheat Flour code BBE12.10.12. This product was dispatched prior to receiving gluten test results and was subsequently found to contain gluten at a level in excess of 20ppm but less than 50ppm of gluten.

The product concerned is:

Buckwheat Flour 1kg

Best before: 12.10.12

Code: 2011

Gluten is not an intended ingredient and this makes the product a potential health risk for people who are allergic or intolerant to gluten constituents. The company has removed this batch from sale. No other Doves Farm Foods Limited products are affected.

Customers with an allergy or intolerance to gluten constituents are advised not to eat this product. For further details please contact Doves Farm Foods for advice on returning the product to us or send the item to us at;

Freepost RG2974, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0RF

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