Why I volunteer: Geraint Preest, Health Advisory Council
Geraint is a GP and member of Coeliac UK’s Health Advisory Council (HAC).
HAC helps our Board of Governors to ensure that the charity's information and advice remains expert and up to date. He explains why he got involved.
“As a GP, barely a day passes without witnessing events and circumstances afflicting others that make me count my blessings. I’ve been fortunate in life to have several fulfilling careers, and have acquired knowledge that may be dissipated beyond personal gain.
“Although I do not have coeliac disease, when a close family member was diagnosed, I felt a sense of duty to share my knowledge to the benefit of others. With a background in clinical medicine and medical education for an international audience, as well as day to day experience of living with someone who has coeliac disease, I felt that I could make a significant contribution, for the benefit of others, by offering my services to Coeliac UK.
“However, this is not an entirely selfless act. Winston Churchill was right when he said: ‘We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.’ And that is why I volunteer.”
If you’re a healthcare professional with expertise in coeliac disease, we’d love to hear from you. Click on the button below to find out more about joining our Health Advisory Council or Health Advisory Network.
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