Member2Member support

Coeliac UK's Member2Member peer support service brings together people needing support on their new gluten free life with others who have been there and want to help. We know how valuable it can be to have someone at the end of the phone who can help and shares the same experiences as you.

We link members by experience rather than geography, and conversations can be had over the phone or email, so members can share their stories, learn from each other, pick up tips and recommendations, and potentially make a new friend.

Support is available to all members including parents or carers of people living gluten free due to coeliac disease or another medical condition.

Looking for somebody to talk to?

Member2MemberIf you're recently diagnosed with coeliac disease and would like to speak to somebody else with the condition, or if you are supporting your child through their diagnosis and adjustment to a gluten free diet, Member2Member would be perfect for you. We can connect you with our established and experienced members who offer a listening ear, kind words and support for as little or as long as you need it. 

To apply please complete our online form or email

I feel we really benefited from being in contact as we were able to talk very specifically about the challenges around having coeliac children.  
I really enjoy being part of the M2M Scheme.
I found this programme to be so helpful. I would certainly recommend or help others who are just starting out.  
I did contact our mentor a couple of times about specific queries and she was fantastic - really helpful and supportive.