Living gluten free FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I eat oats?
Oats do not contain gluten. They contain a similar protein called avenin and research has shown that most people with coeliac disease can safely eat avenin.
The main problem with a lot of the oats and oat products that you find in the supermarket is that they are very often contaminated with gluten from wheat, rye or barley during processing (such as harvesting or milling). Therefore, oats that are NOT labelled as gluten free should always be avoided.
Many specialist manufacturers now produce gluten free oats.
If you have an ongoing symptoms or any concerns about including gluten free oats in your diet, please speak to your health professional.
Can I drink spirits?
Cider, wine, sherry, spirits, port and liqueurs are gluten free.
Experts agree that there is no physical way that pure distilled alcohol can contain gluten - this is because the gluten protein cannot travel through to the vapour produced by the prolonged heating in the distillation process and become part of the final alcohol product.
Distilled spirits only contain gluten if gluten containing ingredients are added after the distillation process and in this case, there is labelling legislation that ensures the product states CONTAINS wheat, barley, rye or oats on the label.
Is Chinese soy sauce gluten free?
No. Chinese soy sauce is traditionally made with wheat, which makes it unsuitable for people with coeliac disease. If wheat flour has been used as an ingredient, this must be listed on the ingredients list. Gluten free versions are available in the 'Free From' section of most major supermarkets. There are also some types of tamari soy sauce which are suitable. These are listed on our online Food and Drink Information Service.
Can I eat yeast?
Fresh yeast is naturally gluten free. We are now aware of some brands of dried yeasts that now contain wheat starch in the ingredients so they are not gluten free. We therefore now list dried yeasts on our Food and Drink Information Service that do not contain gluten.
Can I eat dextrose?
Dextrose is gluten free. It can be made from wheat but the production methods involve a high level of hydrolysation, which means that no gluten is left in the sugars. The final ingredient is gluten free and dextrose can be eaten by people with coeliac disease.
What alcohol can I drink?
Cider, wine, sherry, spirits, port and liqueurs are gluten free.
Distilled spirits only contain gluten if gluten containing ingredients are added after the distillation process. In this case, there is labelling legislation that ensures the product label clearly states if wheat, barley, rye or oats have been added.
Distillation involves prolonged heating to produce a vapour and different components will vaporise at different temperatures so they can be separated. The vapour is then collected and cooled to form a distillate (liquid alcoholic drink).
Gluten does not form a vapour so even if the starting ingredient is wheat, barley or rye, gluten does not pass into the final distilled liquid.
Drinks with an alcoholic strength by volume (abv) of more than 1.2% do not have to list all ingredients. If they contain an allergen (including gluten containing cereals) they must declare this on the packaging, for example ‘contains wheat’.
An exception, is if the name of the drink contains the name of the allergen, for example ‘wheat beer’, then a statement, ‘contains wheat’ is not required. It should however be clear on the packaging which allergens are present.
Beer, lagers, stouts and ales are not distilled and undergo a different process known as fermentation and contain varying amounts of gluten and are not suitable for a gluten free diet but there are gluten free options available.
There are two types of gluten free beer, naturally gluten free beer and gluten removed gluten free beer. For both types, by law, manufacturers can only label a beer gluten free if it contains 20 ppm or less of gluten. In addition, a gluten removed gluten free beer made from barley must, by allergen labelling law, state on the label that it ‘contains barley’. For more information about fermented, hydrolysed products please read our article.
Specially manufactured gluten free beers, lagers and ales are available and are listed in Section 1 of our Food and Drink Guide, in our Live Well Gluten Free app and online Food and Drink Information.
Alcohol can have side effects whether or not you have coeliac disease. Information on sensible drinking can be found on the NHS website.
More information on alcohol can be found on our website.
Find out more about analysis of gluten in fermented and hydrolysed GF products here.
This information is based on the advice of our Food Standards Committee, Health Advisory Council and/or the Prolamin Working Group
How can beer be certified as gluten free?
By law, manufacturers can only label their beer gluten free if it contains 20 ppm or less of gluten. Laboratory testing is the best way to assess the amount of gluten in a product, but there can be difficulties when testing beer using the usual R5 ELISA Sandwich method (commonly used for foods), due to the gluten being broken down. An alternative method is available (R5 ELISA Competitive) which is a more effective way to measure the gluten in beer and other hydrolysed or fermented products.
Scientists continue to explore other techniques to try to further advance the analysis of gluten in food and drink products such as mass spectrometry, PCR (polymerase chain reaction), aptamers. There are pros and cons with all testing methods and we look to the experts for the very best and latest advice such as the Prolamin Working Group , Codex Alimentarius and our Food Standards Committee. The approved method for testing gluten in beers is currently the R5 ELISA Competitive method but Coeliac UK and producers remain engaged with experts and global research exploring potential new test methods.
Find out more about how gluten free beer is made by clicking here.
This information is based on the advice of our Food Standards Committee, Health Advisory Council and/or the Prolamin Working Group.
Find out more about analysis of gluten in fermented and hydrolysed GF products here.
Can I eat glucose syrup?
Glucose syrup is gluten free. It can be derived from wheat, however the production methods involve a high level of hydrolysation, meaning there is no significant gluten content in the sugars.
The final ingredient is gluten free and foods with glucose syrups can be eaten by people with coeliac disease.
If I can’t get gluten free food on prescription will I have to eat gluten containing foods and make myself ill?
We understand how difficult it might be to manage without prescriptions. Gluten free staple foods like bread are key products in managing the diet from both a nutritional and practical standpoint so more care will be needed.
We are trying to make it easier by providing advice for managing a gluten free diet on a budget.
I'm confused by the 'very low gluten' label. Can I eat foods labelled with this?
This covers foods containing between 21 and 100ppm gluten.
Specialist substitute products (such as breads and flour mixes) that contain a gluten reduced ingredient (gluten free wheat starch) with a gluten level above 21 and up to 100 ppm may be labelled as ‘very low gluten’. There aren’t any foods currently labelled ‘very low gluten’ in the UK.
The first law around the use of the term gluten free was published in January 2009 and introduced in January 2012. This law is based on the revised international Codex Alimentarius standard for gluten free, published in 2008.
Prescriptions foods are fortified so they’re better for me, aren’t they?
Fortification of gluten free foods is not compulsory and there are examples of both prescription only and retail products that are fortified and conversely not fortified.
Unfortunately, labelling legislation does not require declaration of nutrients such as iron and calcium but some products will put information about this, particularly where they have been fortified.
What is gluten free wheat starch?
Gluten free wheat starch is a specially produced ingredient where the gluten has been removed to a trace level. It is used by some manufacturers to improve the quality and texture of gluten free products. It must always appear in the ingredients list if it has been used.
Foods containing wheat starch that are labelled gluten free are suitable for all people with coeliac disease. In the past, the Codex standard for labelling for gluten free foods was 200 parts per million, a level that people with coeliac disease could not always tolerate. The law on gluten free must contain no more than 20 ppm. This means that gluten free foods that contain wheat starch should no longer cause a problem for people with coeliac disease.
Foods that contain wheat starch are highlighted with a blue triangle in the Food and Drink Guide.
If you should have any concern about including products with wheat starch in your diet please speak with your health professional.
What mobile phones will the app work on?
This app will work on iPhone models 4 and above and Android smartphones with software 6.0 and above.
We have chosen to develop the app for the iPhone and Android phones because our membership surveys indicate that these devices are the most commonly used. However, as with all technology, the situation is constantly changing and we will be monitoring trends to assess when investment in new platforms for the app is justified.
Can I buy a kit to test the level of gluten in my food?
There are companies that produce testing kits to test the level of gluten in ready prepared foods.
These tests are marketed for testing meals in restaurants and can detect a level of gluten of 20 parts per million or less.
Reliability of these kits should always be considered, not because the kits do not do what they are reported to do, but because the user may not maintain control of the conditions needed for accurate testing. For example, testing a small sample of a certain meal will not necessarily represent the gluten content of the complete meal. It is also important to make sure that all gluten is extracted from a food before testing using the chemicals provided. It is therefore very important to follow the manufacturer's guidance on using the test kits.
More information about testing food and auditing requirements can be found over on our Food Businesses page.
What is the Crossed Grain symbol?
The Crossed Grain symbol is used under licence by companies and organisations on food and drink products which meet our criteria. The symbol is a quick and easy way to identify safe food and drink. We highlight products using the Crossed Grain symbol throughout our Food and Drink Guide.
Can I eat modified starch?
Modified starch is used in many products and can be derived from a variety of sources. If the source is a cereal that contains gluten, manufacturers must list this in the ingredients list in line with the EU wide allergen labelling law, for example modified wheat starch. If you see modified starch on the ingredients list and it does not refer to a cereal that contains gluten, such as wheat, this must be from a cereal that does not contain gluten and is gluten free.
What can I do if a restaurant does not provide me with allergen information?
By law, restaurants should be able to provide you with information (either written or orally) on any allergens, including cereals containing gluten, in all the dishes they serve. This is as a result of legislation that was brought in at the end of 2014 to improve allergen information for consumers. Read more about the changes brought in with the Food Information Regulations.
Problems or concerns about poor hygiene and safety in a food outlet or a trading standards issue such as food mislabelling on non-compliance with the law should be reported to the local authority.
You can find the local authority for any establishments that you go to by visiting the Food Standards Agency website.
Can I eat monosodium glutamate (MSG)?
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is gluten free. It is a flavour enhancer used in many manufactured foods and can be made from wheat; however, during processing the wheat protein is completely hydrolysed (broken down) and can be eaten by people with coeliac disease.
Can I eat communion wafers?
Wheat, a cereal that contains gluten, is the only substance authorised by the Roman Catholic Church to make Eucharistic bread.
There are special ‘low gluten’ hosts that have been approved for use by individuals with coeliac disease when taking Communion. These products contain wheat starch, but are within the levels for labelling gluten free. Other churches allow communion wafers to be taken which are made entirely from gluten free ingredients and often suppliers will sell two different varieties.
A number of companies produce communion wafers that are suitable for people with coeliac disease. These are often available via mail order. Please see our communion wafer list for a full list of suppliers and the wafers available. Before ordering as an individual it is worth talking to your church as their usual church supplier can sometimes order these for you and minimise delivery charges.
To reduce the risk of contamination with gluten from gluten containing hosts, we would advise that your communion wafers are stored and presented separately. Some people may prefer to abstain from taking communion in the conventional way and have a blessing instead.
Related documents
What is Coeliac UK's Food and Drink Information Service?
Our Food and Drink Information Service gives you reliable, independent and timely product information to live well gluten free and it includes:
- regular food alerts and product updates
- new product launches, with exclusive member only offers
- tried and tested recipes
- product ingredients and nutritional information
- product suitability from nearly 150,000 gluten free and mainstream food and drink products.
Do I still need to update my Food and Drink Guide?
It is important to check for updates as products do change and many new products are added throughout the year.
Product information on our digital versions are updated in real time however we also provide monthly updates to the Food and Drink Guide and these can be found:
- on our Food and Drink Information page on our website
- by following the links on our monthly email newsletters
- through our Live Well Gluten Free app
- on our social media platforms.
Which foods are listed in Section 1?
Section 1 lists foods that are gluten free. They contain gluten at a level of no more than 20 parts per million (ppm). Products listed here comply with the law on gluten free (European Regulation EU No.828/2014). Foods in this section are tested to make sure they are gluten free.
You will find the following types of foods in Section 1:
- specialist, substitute foods available on prescription
- food carrying the Coeliac UK Crossed Grain symbol
We have thousands of more products labelled gluten free listed on our website and in our Live Well Gluten Free app where you can also view a products ingredients and nutritional information to help you chose suitable products for your diet.
Why do products in Section 1 have the Crossed Grain symbol next to them?
We have around two hundred manufacturers supporting our Crossed Grain scheme. Our Crossed Grain symbol is a sign of safety and integrity and so it is important to us to share to the broad range of products that carry our licence.
New companies are licensed regularly, so don't forget to check our monthly updates for any additions. You can find a list of all companies using the Crossed Grain symbol here.
Why do you not provide product information for some brands and manufacturers?
We now provide product information and it's suitability on nearly 150,000 gluten free and mainstream products by contacting over 200 manufacturers and sourcing product information from a third party, Brandbank. If you can't find a particular brand within our services, this may be because they have not provided us with information or it might be because the product contains gluten.
If you are unsure whether you can eat particular products you can always check the label. For more information on reading labels why not check out our food labelling video, produced in association with the Food Standard Agency.
If you find that the product is suitable which isn't listed in our Food and Drink Guide, then do let us know about it and we can work towards listing the product on our website and in our Live Well Gluten Free app.
Does this app link to the Food and Drink Information?
Yes, the search results will be the same, ensuring that your allergen profile is correct.
Why are there more products in this app than in the Food and Drink Guide?
Our Food and Drink Guide does not include products that are naturally gluten free, such as fruits, vegetables and plain meat and fish. However, these are included in the product listings in the Live Well Gluten Free app, so this is why you may find that the results differ from what you are familiar with.
I’ve found products in this app that are not in the Food and Drink Information, are they ok?
As long as you’ve selected the gluten free filters, then the products returned will be suitable for your profile. Although it does use similar data sources, this app is not linked to our Food and Drink Information so you may find that the results differ from what you are familiar with.
Can I still have Bisto Best products?
Whilst most Bisto Best products are not made with gluten containing ingredients, you will notice that the manufacturer, Premier Foods, has included a ‘May Contain’ statement on the packaging. This is in line with best practice guidance for including gluten contamination advice on labels.
Bisto Best is made on equipment which is also used for products containing wheat flour. Although there are controls in place to reduce the risk of cross contamination, Premier Foods cannot remove the risk of gluten contamination completely.
Previously, we have listed Bisto Best products that were not made with gluten containing ingredients as the product when prepared for consumption, would be suitable for a gluten free diet. Under our new policy, we are asking food manufacturers who include a ‘May Contain’ to consider the threshold for gluten free (< 20 ppm gluten) and if they have determined their products consistently have no more than 20 ppm gluten, to also consider labelling them gluten free. In the absence of a gluten free label they will no longer be included in our food information listings. We are continuing to engage with the manufacturers to achieve a commitment to enable these products to be labelled gluten free in the future.
Premier Foods have a Bisto gravy which is labelled gluten free, this product can be found in most Free From supermarket sections.
If you need more information, please contact Premier Foods on 0800 234 6328.
Are there own brand breakfast cereals I can eat?
There are a number of supermarket own brand cereals which contain small amounts barley malt extract.
Foods that contain small amounts of barley malt extract can be eaten by people with coeliac disease if they contain 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten or less. Cereals which contain barley malt extract will still have to highlight barley in the ingredients list due to labelling laws, and you won’t be able to tell how much has been used from the list alone, unless the product is labelled gluten free.
Previously we would list some supermarket own brand breakfast cereals which contained barley malt extract in our Food Information listings if we’d received confirmation that the product contained 20 ppm or less of gluten. Under our new policy, we are asking food manufacturers who produce products made with ingredients from gluten containing grains, such as barley malt extract to not only confirm to us that their products have been tested and shown to have no more than 20 ppm gluten, but also to label them gluten free. In the absence of a gluten free label they will no longer be included in our Food Information listings. We are continuing to engage with manufacturers to achieve a commitment to enable these products to be labelled gluten free in the future.
Some retailers have their own Free From breakfast cereals these can be found over on our online Food and Drink Information page and dedicated ready made lists for gluten free breakfast cereals.
Can I eat any of Kellogg’s breakfast cereals?
Kellogg’s regular cereals contain barley malt extract as a flavouring. Barley malt extract and malt flavourings are commonly made from barley, although they can be produced from other grains. Kellogg’s gluten free cereals are listed in the food and Drink Information Service.
Foods that contain small amounts of barley malt extract can be eaten by people with coeliac disease if they contain 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten or less. However, these foods will still have barley highlighted in the ingredients list due to labelling laws, and you won’t be able to tell how much has been used from the list alone, unless the product is labelled gluten free.
Previously, we listed products which contained barley malt extract in our Food Information listings if we’d received confirmation that the product contained 20 ppm or less of gluten. Under our new policy, we are asking food manufacturers who produce products made with ingredients from gluten containing grains, such as barley malt extract, to not only confirm to us that their products have been tested and shown to have no more than 20 ppm gluten, but also to label them gluten free. In the absence of a gluten free label they will no longer be included in our Food Information listings. We are continuing to engage with the manufacturers to achieve a commitment to enable these products to be labelled gluten free in the future.
Some retailers have their own Free From breakfast cereals these can be found over on our online Food and Drink Information page and dedicated ready made lists for gluten free breakfast cereals.