Proposed change in Membership

22 February 2012

After careful consideration the Charity’s Governors are recommending a change in our constitution to allow positive changes in our Membership rules.

Our Charity constitution currently requires our Members to have a medical diagnosis of coeliac disease – a rule we would like to relax primarily so we can be more accessible to those struggling to get diagnosed. By being more open, we can better support all those affected by coeliac disease and have a louder voice to influence the Health Service and food sector.

The issue was raised at many local meetings over the last year or so and the overall feedback is very positive. Many of you shared stories about people who are struggling to get a diagnosis and we want to ensure that there isn’t a barrier when they need our help the most. For so many, they discover they have coeliac disease before their GP does, and whilst at their most vulnerable, we currently cannot help them in the same way that we help you.

We also know that friends and family want to support the cause and have access to information about your condition. They want to feel confident in supporting their relatives and to help invest in future campaigns and research. With more support, we can do more for you.

Our mission will remain the same. We will continue to provide expert information and support, campaign for better access to diagnosis and care and research the nature of the disease. Together our voice is stronger.

Sarah Mitson, Chair of the Board of Governors says: “We represent over 60,000 Members which shows that we are a strong and vibrant charity, but we have to be mindful that 1 in 100 people are considered to have coeliac disease and only 15% are estimated to be diagnosed.

The most important principle is that we remain a charity focused on improving the lives of people with coeliac disease. Membership is about showing positive support for a shared cause so that together we can achieve our aims.

We will continue to campaign for better diagnosis, but until then, we are asking you to vote positively on this issue at the AGM on 30 June 2012. For those of you who are unable to attend, a ballot paper will be included in the notice sent with the summer edition of Crossed Grain”.

Read our FAQ's on the change in Membership.

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