Questions related to: Do you conduct research at Coeliac UK or do you only fund research?

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How can I have my research proposal considered for funding by Coeliac UK?

When Coeliac UK has a Research Call it will be advertised and posted on our website and across our social media platforms where you are encouraged to apply.

Outside of a Research Call, we are also interested in hearing about your research proposals as we may be able to help with extended research networks and there is often mutual benefit. We can also add your details to the Research Register we hold for coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.

If you would like to tell our Research Team about your research, then you can always complete our online form.

Who can attend the Coeliac UK Research Conference?

Employees of the NHS involved in the diagnosis and/or management of patients with coeliac disease and/or gluten related conditions. Academics, researchers or students, employed or registered with a university, and have an interest in coeliac disease, gluten related autoimmune conditions and / or the gluten free diet. All Coeliac UK members can access Powerpoint presentations (where permission from the speaker has been given) and videos for each of the talks which can be accessed via membership login. 

If I have registered as being interested in research, must I participate?

No, participation is always voluntary. After you have received information about a research project you are not obliged to participate and if you do consider becoming involved, you also have the right to change your mind at any time. 

Are you funding any research into a vaccine (or cure) for coeliac disease?

Coeliac UK funded the initial project of Professor Bob Anderson which identified the most important gluten peptides causing problems for people with coeliac disease. This research formed the basis of further research and eventually the development of the NexVax2 vaccine.  

Unfortunately, this work was halted in 2019 as results showed that it did not provide sufficient protection to gluten exposure. Coeliac UK is committed to funding research which provides a greater understanding of the disease process to identify new targets for treatment or a cure. 

Why isn’t Coeliac UK taking legal action?

In England, health policy is localised and in the last 12 months we have taken legal action where a CCG policy presented a blanket ban on gluten free prescribing. Once the results of the consultation are known we will consider next steps. The grounds for making a legal challenge may be very restricted if the implementation of change follows the law on the required consultation approach and appropriate changes in the regulations.

How much does Coeliac UK spend on funding research?

Since 2005 we have committed around £3.5M to research. The frequency of research calls and the amounts available for each one vary depending on donations, receipt of legacies and external grants.

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