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Is it worth me renewing my membership with Coeliac UK?

Yes, together we continue to make a difference so no one’s life is limited by gluten. Our resources will help you with every aspect of your gluten free life.

As our reminder, with our Membership you will get:

  • Our essential Food Information Service listing over 150,000 gluten free and mainstream, products, updated daily
  • Our Live Well Gluten Free app to scan and check food as you shop and search over 3,000 gluten free accredited venues
  • Over 1,000 recipes for every occasion in our Home of Gluten Free Recipes
  • Travel tips to keep you safe in our travel guides
  • Over £250 worth of exclusive food, drink  product offers each year, straight to your inbox
  • Support and events through our local groups near you
  • One to one support through our Member2Member scheme, ideal for parents or newly diagnosed
  • Our flagship magazine Live Well Gluten Free keeping you up to date on all things gluten free
  • And much more!

What support am I given as a volunteer?

Our Volunteering team at our High Wycombe office are dedicated to supporting you. They will provide you with the materials and tools you need to support you in your role.

All volunteers will be given relevant resources and training for their role. The Coeliac UK Volunteering team are on hand to provide ongoing help and support during your time as a volunteer. Email us at to find out more.

What are my rights and obligations as a Member?

You can download our full Memorandum and Articles of Association which will explain all the rules underpinning the Charity.

How is the Charity funded?

The Charity depends on a variety of funding streams. Our Members pay a small fee, to contribute to the costs of the services they receive, and we rely on donations and other fundraising activities too. We work with our commercial partners by offering advertising and sponsorship opportunities and we apply for grants from trusts and government organisations such as the Food Standards Agency and the Health Foundation.

What is Awareness Week?

This is our busiest campaigning time where Local Voluntary Support Groups around the country host events which feed into a national picture of campaigning. This translates to people holding events focused around a particular theme, as well as, amongst other activities, writing to their MPs, speaking to the media and fundraising for us. Usually Awareness Week is in May, and lasts from Monday to Sunday.

I want to hold a fundraising event for Coeliac UK, where do I start?

Great, we're so happy that you want to do some fundraising for us!

Our Fundraising Pack is full of great ideas and tips to make your fundraising a success! Once you have decided on your event, get in contact with our Fundraising Team for fundraising material including t-shirts, collection boxes, banners, balloons, posters and many more materials to help make your event a success. 

I am very busy and only have limited spare time, what can I do?

No matter how little time you can spare, there is always something you can do to help get our message across to others. There are other of people like you who have busy lives and other commitments, but lots of people doing a little, adds up. You could spend 15 minutes using a template to write to your MP, complete an online petition or survey, or, if you have a little longer, talk to your local restaurant about catering gluten free. Whatever you’re happy to do, it will all help to raise awareness about coeliac disease.

The membership fee is too much for me, what are my options?

We never want the fee to be a barrier to information, which is why we have so much information freely available on our website and via our Helpline. Our digital only package launching at the end of November is our lower cost option and you can access services on your phone. If you feel you need the full support of our complete membership package, you can spread the cost over a monthly Direct Debit which is just over £2. Please talk to us about the range of membership options we have to best support your needs.

What support can you provide if I am to organise an event?

Were you to organise an event as part of one of our campaigns, we would supply you with support materials. Usually, particularly for Awareness Week, we have an information toolkit packed with activity ideas. We also have balloons and leaflets which we can send to you.

Do let us know in good time when you’re holding an event as we can put it into our monthly email newsletter to help drive up your attendance numbers.


All frequently asked questions