Questions related to: I have just been diagnosed with coeliac disease, how can I join Coeliac UK?

Found 9

Why are you putting up the membership fee?

Charities operate in an increasingly digital world and printing and postage costs have negatively impacted the entire sector. We have been trying to absorb these increased costs by using other sources of charity income to deliver the membership scheme and by limiting other areas of work. However, this isn’t a sustainable approach and if we want to keep on driving change and improvements for people living gluten free, we have no other choice but to slightly increase fees.

How much does it cost to call your Helpline?

With our 0333 number, you’ll spend no more on the call than you would for 01 or 02 landline numbers. If you’re calling from a mobile with an inclusive minutes package, your call to us will come out of your minutes allowance. From a landline, calls to the 0333 number are charged at local rate. Calls from payphones can cost more. 

If I have coeliac disease, are my children more likely to also have it?

Coeliac disease does run in families but not in a predictable way. Around one in ten close relatives of people with coeliac disease (for example, father, mother, son, daughter) will be at risk of coeliac disease.

So if you have a relation with coeliac disease you should be aware of the symptoms.

Does Coeliac UK fund research?

Every year the Charity invests a lot of money into research. Some of that research is looking at the underlying genetic make up of people with coeliac disease while other research looks at the day to day impact on people living with the condition. We are the largest investor in research into coeliac disease in the UK. We usually advertise for applications to research grants annually in the medical press.

Can you ‘grow out’ of coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease is a lifelong autoimmune condition and the gluten free diet is the only treatment for it. If gluten is introduced back into the diet at a later date, the immune system will react and the gut lining will become damaged again.

Once you develop coeliac disease, you must avoid gluten for the rest of your life.

How common is coeliac disease?

It is thought that one in 100 people in the UK has coeliac disease but only 36% of these people are diagnosed. We estimate there are nearly half a million people who have coeliac disease but aren’t yet diagnosed.

Does Coeliac UK have information on travelling abroad?

Yes. Our Travel Guide section has useful information for when you're planning a trip abroad.

We have produced guides to a number of different countries to help you prepare for your visit and to make life easier so you can relax during your stay. All you need to do is login to download the travel information.

I don’t have diarrhoea as a symptom, does that mean I don’t have coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease is known as a 'multi system' disorder' - symptoms can affect any area of the body. Symptoms differ between individuals in terms of type and severity.

Why do I have to be eating gluten to be tested?

The blood tests look for antibodies that your body produces when you eat gluten so if you are not eating gluten you will not be producing antibodies and so the result will come back negative.

It is recommended that you eat some gluten in more than one meal every day for at least six weeks before testing.


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