2013 Group AGM minutes

Trent Group, Coeliac UK

Minutes of the twelfth AGM held 18th May 2013


Committee members Jenny Richardson, Tony Harris, Mandy McGreal,  Joyce Walker, Mike Lewis, Chris Salt

Also present -19 members of the group plus Christine Lewis, Mary Jo Harris and Mark Richardson

Apologies:  received from 14 members

Minutes of the previous AGM held on 12th  May 2012 were read out by Amanda McGreal. Proposed as a true record of the meeting by Mrs Bannister and seconded by Mary Jo Harris

Group organisers report

Jenny welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.  She read out the group organisers report highlighting the previous twelve months events which included a walk at Carsington Reservoir, near Ashbourne; the nearby Pudding Room does gluten free foods.  Jenny asked anyone with an e-mail who gets mail by post to send the group their e-mail address in order to save postage.  She announced the groups two forthcoming meetings 

Treasurer’s report

The balance sheet for 2012--2013 was presented.  Closing balance as was £484.50 which is down on the previous year.  The group does, however, have sufficient postage stamps for at least two more mailings.  This was proposed by Mike Lewis and seconded by Jill Harris

Election of new committee

The current committee all stood down and were all re-elected en-masse.  Proposed by Jill Harris seconded by Mrs Bannister.

Hayley Hancock (in her absence as she was attending a childrens event) was proposed as a committee member for children and young people.  Proposed by Joyce Walker, seconded by Mrs Bannister.

A vote of thanks was given to the committee Diana Townsend


Jenny will be attending the Volunteers conference in September

Date of next AGM 

Saturday 17th May 2014.  Possibly at Tutbury or Mickleover, either a mini food fair or a cookery demonstration by Glebe Farm.

The meeting then closed and all attendees enjoyed a dietitian’s talk and a cookery demonstration by Juvela, plus a goody bag